Women Belong Partners with Habitat for Humanity to Build Homes and Create Change


Women Belong is proud to announce its participation in Habitat for Humanity Chicago’s Women Build event on Thursday, October 24, on the Southside of Chicago. This year, two Women Belong teams are stepping up to raise $30,000, contributing to the event’s ambitious goal of $750,000 to help build homes for women in need of affordable housing.

Women face numerous barriers to homeownership, from the gender pay gap to uneven childcare responsibilities and discriminatory lending practices. Women Build aims to knock down these barriers by supporting homeownership for women, particularly women of color, who are disproportionately impacted.

Through fundraising and hands-on construction, Women Belong is helping to create a future where homeownership is more accessible, empowering women to build stable and strong lives for themselves and their families.

Help Women Belong reach its $30,000 goal and ensure that more women have access to the life-changing benefits of homeownership. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to a more equitable future.

For more information or to donate choose one of the Teams or Participants below.

Our vision is that one day there will be Habitat for Humanity Women Build teams all across Women Belong, in all of our communities, helping overcome the gendered barriers to homeownership.