“People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Teddy Roosevelt

Have you ever noticed the power of a really good book? You hate for it to end! In fact, It’s a little sad when you read the last word on the final page.

It leaves you wanting more, doesn’t it? Believe it or not, your marketing message should have that same feel. It should leave the reader wanting more.

Too often, though, what I see on health and wellness websites is business writing, It’s professional. Business-like.

Gives accurate information about the health and wellness service. But it’s missing one crucial ingredient. And that essential ingredient makes people say, “You get me!”

What is it? Emotion.

This powerful tool is the reason people will sign up for your coaching programs. That’s because emotion is the bridge that builds trust and leads to conversations.

People buy based on emotion and back up that decision with logic.

This Emotional Trigger Authentically Builds Connection


Let’s say you’re a nutrition coach. How would you use emotion to build trust?

With this niche, it’s important to talk about how hard it is to “eat healthy.” Talk about midnight cravings, yo-yo dieting, and the shame of feeling out of control.

These are all emotions your audience knows well! When you share them, it builds an immediate connection and trust because it shows you know their struggles.

The Most Effective Way to Show You Can Solve Their Problem


Once you’ve established a connection, it’s time to change those negative emotions into positive ones.

A short bio that talks about the same struggles your audience has and how you overcame them deepens their trust.

“You had the same problem I did? And you overcame them?” Sharing your own struggle–and that you problem-solved it–shows you’re willing to get “personal” and tell your truth.

Showing your vulnerability is a powerful way to connect with your target audience.

But you still need one more trust builder.

Show Them the Path Forward


Give them a plan. Show them the way forward. How will you help them overcome those midnight cravings? How will you end yo-yo dieting for good?

Give your plan a name that resonates with your audience. (There’s a reason my plan is called Authentic Alignment! That’s what most coaches teach!)

Add a few testimonials. And no, do not put those testimonials in a carousel! Make them work for you. Sprinkle them throughout the home page to support your claims.

Testimonials, creating an emotional connection, and sharing your plan all give prospects a reason to care about your solution.

But what if there are objections?

Problem-Solving the Elephant in the Room


Always address the elephant in the room! I know it sounds crazy, but when people land on your website, they are looking for reasons to reject you.

That’s why it’s important to address their objections upfront. Price is one of the biggest objections in any vertical.

It’s the job of the copy to overcome that objection by stating the many benefits of the coaching program and showing the results participants received. Testimonials work wonders here.

Watch Your Language!


Remember, you want to write your website copy using your audience’s words. Skip the business writing. It won’t work here.

I do deep research when I write for a client and you should do it for yourself. Find what your market is talking about and use their words to pull them in.

Make your website a book the reader can’t put down. Make it one where your reader raises her hand and says, “I’d like more information, please!”

Now that’s a book worth talking about!

Want some help with your health and wellness marketing message and website design? I love working with coaches to help them create an authentic message that helps them make a difference in the world! Set up acomplimentary 30-minute consult with me today.
Content provided by Women Belong member Susan Vincent