by Candice Blansett-Cummins | Mar 7, 2024
Let’s talk about one of the less-talked about tools to make your marketing more effective. First, let me ask about your personality. Look at these sliders and consider where on these spectrums your personality might fall. It’s probably not too hard, right?...
by Andi Mints Gilreath | Sep 22, 2020
As a business owner, you know you need a few things to be taken seriously by your potential audience—usually, a logo is chief among these things. My advice is to not jump into the visual branding (logo, etc) until you’ve had some actual business experience under your...
by "Spider" Meka Hemmons | Jan 31, 2020
Ah… January. The dawn of a new year. A time where we collectively raise our spirits… elated to have a time-honored fresh start… thrilled to see the end of whatever woes the last year brought us… and ready to exclaim our hopes for the good we want the future to bring....
by Andi Mints Gilreath | Nov 21, 2019
Branding is more than just a logo. Yes, branding is more than just a logo! Your brand actually starts long before you even think about what things should look like. I’d even say that you don’t necessarily need a logo right away. Let me explain. Branding is what...
by Kate Alpert | May 15, 2017
Even if you’re not from Chicago, you’ve probably heard of the city’s elevated public train line, the El. Howard Street is the last stop on the northern end of the El’s Red Line. The Howard stop is a transportation hub that bridges the city with...