Clean That Junk Drawer

Clean That Junk Drawer

March is here! Spring is around the corner! As the snow finally melts and we see more sun – and days are getting longer! – I see people out and about with a little more pep in their step. The arrival of spring is re-energizing and can get those motivation juices...
Stock Photography Tips and Tricks

Stock Photography Tips and Tricks

For most companies, stock photography is a part of business life now. You probably use it in your website, social media, PowerPoint presentations, e-newsletters, and advertising. How do you make the images look good in your communications and work with your budget? I...
Facts and Trends in the Credit Card Payment Industry

Facts and Trends in the Credit Card Payment Industry

With the pandemic, the use of credit and debit cards became more popular.  According to Digital Commerce 360, US e-commerce grew 44% in 2020 with respect to the previous year. Although the shopping trend has changed, the payment authorization process is still the...
Self Care:  3 Simple Ways We Can Improve Our Lives Daily

Self Care: 3 Simple Ways We Can Improve Our Lives Daily

I absolutely adore this picture that came up for me when I was looking for photos of self-care.  Why?  Because this.Is.ME.  My idea of self-care is staying in bed as long as my schedule (and bladder) can stand it in the morning. I LOVE my bed.  I bought it at a place...
Personal Branding: Powerful, Persuasive, and Omnipresent

Personal Branding: Powerful, Persuasive, and Omnipresent

Personal Branding: Powerful, Persuasive, and OmnipresentI’ll be frank: When I first heard the term “personal branding,” I greeted it with an eye roll worthy of a teenager. Why personal branding, I mused — isn’t branding good enough? After all, I reasoned, we all know...