Comprehensive Financial Planning

Comprehensive Financial Planning

It’s never too late to get a start on your financial future.  Our team works with clients at all stages of their finances such as building a retirement plan, saving for a big ticket item or long term care.  We meet you where you are to help you achieve your...
Adjusting To Reduced Income Due To COVID-19

Adjusting To Reduced Income Due To COVID-19

Adjusting to Reduced Income Due To COVID-19 COVID-19 is having a profound effect on household finances across the country. Many Americans have been laid off or required to accept reduced hours on the job. Parents who continue to work find themselves in a childcare...
Transparency in Business – A New Perspective

Transparency in Business – A New Perspective

A couple weeks ago I was having a conversation with one of my KIMBRA business partners.  We were talking about how our social media game needs to be stepped up.  I responded that a lot of what I’d say is considered political, which I try to keep off almost all my...
Creating an Abundance Mindset in Challenging Times

Creating an Abundance Mindset in Challenging Times

In times of stress, we sometimes fall back into patterns that worked for us in the past, but maybe don’t work so well for us in the current times. Often, we may self sabotage by creating financial situations for ourselves that replicate patterns we experienced in...