5 Simple Ways to Raise Your Money Vibration

5 Simple Ways to Raise Your Money Vibration

On a cold October evening in 2019 (remember? back in the pre-COVID days when a casual taste of another person’s wine was a normal happening), women from all over my small mountain town came together to share in one another’s money stories in the embracing space of a...
Choosing Divorce: What Working Women Need to Know

Choosing Divorce: What Working Women Need to Know

What do working women need when they are planning to get divorced?  Often it is not easy for working women to feel strong heading into a divorce.  Sure, during the workday it is relatively easy to make decisions, call the hard shots and feel confident and in control...
Defeat Financial Overwhelm

Defeat Financial Overwhelm

The struggle is real.  There are over 450 financial products out there and even more financial gurus and advisers with their own systems for how to use those products.   It’s overwhelming! Who do you trust? How do you know if you’re doing it right? No...
Adjusting To Reduced Income Due To COVID-19

Adjusting To Reduced Income Due To COVID-19

Adjusting to Reduced Income Due To COVID-19 COVID-19 is having a profound effect on household finances across the country. Many Americans have been laid off or required to accept reduced hours on the job. Parents who continue to work find themselves in a childcare...
Grandma’s Strategy to Break the Cycle

Grandma’s Strategy to Break the Cycle

I am very fortunate in my line of work to be able to help people break through cycles that might have existed in their family for generations.  My favorite is the cycle of generational poverty because I’m in the process of breaking that cycle for future...