Does Stress Live In Your Neck? Feel Peace and Calm

Does Stress Live In Your Neck? Feel Peace and Calm

My Dear, FierceOver50 Lovely, You, (yes, you) have the power to shift from stress in your neck to a body-centered sense of peace and calm. This video will give you a taste of what I regularly teach in my monthly membership called the #FierceOver50 Gathering. As you...
Defeat Financial Overwhelm

Defeat Financial Overwhelm

The struggle is real.  There are over 450 financial products out there and even more financial gurus and advisers with their own systems for how to use those products.   It’s overwhelming! Who do you trust? How do you know if you’re doing it right? No...
What You (And Your Clients!) Miss When You DIY A Website

What You (And Your Clients!) Miss When You DIY A Website

You’re at a networking event (remember those?) and you hit it off with a potential client. The two of you exchange business cards. What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you arrive home?Look each other up. Wander around their website. Gage even further who...